Driving Hazards to Avoid This Winter

Winter driving can be a scary experience. Road and driving hazards can come in many different forms, and drivers need to be extra cautious to avoid accidents and injury. The following hazards can be safely handled with some increased vigilance.


In winter, potholes pose an even worse threat. Potholes are nearly invisible beneath a layer of ice or snow, making them difficult to avoid. Hitting a pothole on an icy road can send your car into the next lane or damage the underside of your vehicle.

Before winter hits, try to be become aware of the location of any potholes on familiar roads you need to travel each day. You may not be able to avoid new potholes, but you can alter your driving to keep from hitting the ones you already know about.

Icy Windshields

Icy windshields obstruct your view, creating a dangerous driving hazard that can lead to an accident or worse. Often, the wipers themselves get coated with ice while your car is parked in your workplace parking lot. You start driving home only to discover that your wipers are making matters worse.

First, make sure that your wipers are in good repair. It's a good idea to have an auto mechanic, such as one from Blue Valley Garage, carefully inspect your car's wipers before the first snowfall to see whether replacement blades are needed. Next, add one extra step to your vehicle maintenance when clearing your car of snow. Keep an old rag in your car for the purpose of wiping your windshield wipers after you've cleared the windshield. This will ensure that when you turn them on as you're driving, they actually clear the view, not obstruct it with more ice.

Poor Lighting

Falling snow and sleet can reduce the luminescence of street lighting, making it quite difficult to see as you drive. This can force you to drive at a dangerously slow speed, causing a traffic-accident hazard. Poor street lighting can also lead to you accidentally hitting something or driving off the road into a snow bank.

Of course, you can't stop falling snow and ice, but you can improve your view a little by reducing the glare that your own headlights cause. When driving in heavy snow or sleet, experiment with lower lighting options on your headlights. High beams will reflect the snow and sleet, whereas your dimmers may actually allow you to see better when visibility is impaired.

Keep these added road hazards in mind when driving in winter in order to avoid accidents and costly vehicle repairs. Your safety is in your hands.
